Tuesday, May 1, 2012


           One day there was a zombie that made more more zombies so I started on round 1. Then i was killing 7 zombies on the first round but there is infinity zombies so i was in round 100 my self and Alan came and he died                          
so I revive him and Daniel Y. came and helped us. Also I was trying to go get the excavator but on the way over to the excavator I died so Alan came to revive me and I had the ray gun the wave gun and the mustang and sally. And as perks I had jug the quick revive meal kick and the speed reload so Alan went down and I went to go try to revive him but I died so Daniel went to try to go revive me but since he did not have good guns he died to so that is my story the end. love cod <3

Monday, April 9, 2012

What I did over the weekend

On Friday I went to my house then I played with my friend Call Of Duty Black Ops. Then at 5:00 I went to my friends house and we played basketball then we got tired so my mom came for me I went home then told my mom to sign the paper. Also it was Saturday then I played a little with Alan and Jaime we all played a sniper match but since they are learning I beat them both. Then it was Easter but my mom did not want to go to my aunt  house. So that's why I didn't go no were to find eggs but we found a cat died on the street before coming to school the end.:):| :( the first one is happy the middle one is okay and the last one is sad because when the cat died bye.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How to kick the ball

It is important to kick the ball here are the steps. First you have to shoot the ball at the field goal. Then you have to be good at that sport for you can score. Also you need to have ball control. Finally you get to have fun when you are good and score a lot.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Functional text #4

How is this text organized? It is organized because it tells you all the information about how to get ready for vacation.
The purpose of this text is that it tells you a lot of information about how to pack up for vacation.

Functional text #3

How is the text organized? It is organized because it tells you what is for lunch.
The purpose of this text? Is that it can tell you that what are we having for lunch bit for the text.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Function text #2

This text is organized because it has the stuff all organized. Also the page is organized.
The purpose of this text is that the page some of it has bold print of important details.
The graphic and text features is that they are all in caps also pictures diagrams and boxes.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Functional text #1

How is the text organized? I don't think because it says it's is nutrition but they are a restaurant of fast food and it says it's that all the food is under 550 calories but it's still a lot of calories and it says that it includes sauces and that is calories.
To try to pursued you to come to there restaurant.
This does not include pictures so to pursued they need to show there delicious.

Text Features

The different text structure are cause and effect,compare and contrast, sequence, problem and, description.
text features headings bold print Italics ALL IN CAPS.

Spring Break

First Daniel and I went to California and we had a lot of fun. Also me and Daniel went to the candy store and the candy were very good I think better that here and Mexico combined. Also when me and Daniel came back he dropped me of of on Sunday and my brother and my friend went to some school and we played A lot of soccer until we got tired I was the longest goalie and we went to go eat when we were done we ate a lot of carne. I love my spring break. :)

The team death match game

                                 Once there  was a game going on Alan against Damian and the game was amazing because Alan called out Damian so Damian was like lets go then  so then they picked Nuketown and they started and Alan scoped Damian in the face so then Damian got mad and backstabbed him and then I threw a tomahake I got him with a sticky grande. Also Damian got Alan as a head shot and that's how Damian got victory.


Friday, March 9, 2012

The only light in the world

Once upon a time there was a light
that worked for 1981 to 2000 that was the only light in the world. Also the people that invited it there name were Daniel & Damian also the people were scared because there house did not have no light & Daniel & I were going to invent more & more lights. Than everybody died. THE END to be continued:):)

How to make play dough

First you have to but 1 cup of flour.Then you have to put 1 cup of salt. Then you have to put 1 cup of water. Also if you want to put your dough into different colors put food coloring. Thats how u make play dough. Also if I did this again,I would not add to much water the end.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Once there was a zombie that made a lot of zombies but I Was in moon killing the zombies. Also the mystery box that gave you a lot of weird guns but I got the ray gun and the wave gun also the guns were cool because they kill very fast.
Also my ray gun ran out of ammo so I got a max ammo so I got fully ammo and I went to go back a punch. Also my perks were still with me so when I died I got revive because of my quick revive
Last I ran out of ammo so I died that was the end of my my story to be continued...:):):):):)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Comparing Animal and Plant

I am the only one alive

     Once upon a there was a German shepherd and me we were the only ones alive in the world we were fighting vampires. My German shepherd ate a vampires and i had a shoot gun and a sniper rifle and i was killing zombies and vampires from far range and i sniped a zombie on the head. So i took my shoot gun out and shoot a lot of zombies so my guns ran out of ammo and i told my dog if he can go get me some ammo but the zombies and vampires got my dog so he died. So i was the only one alive so i got ammo my self and i got a ak47 to kill more zombies and vampires so i ran out of ammo again so i tried to smack them with my guns but they took my guns so i died but i so some guy alive but i think he ran out of ammo so he died to the end.=]

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Using irregular verbs.

Chinese food and drinks

This article is about the chinese food and drinks from China .Main grains and one of the main food in china is rice and there are two types of them.Fruits and Vegetables and That lychee and longan are still popular in china. Tea time:That they used to use the plants for medicine. Quick Sticks and They invented these sticks for the perfect bite side. Tofu and is a soft food made from soybeans Tofu gave them protein just as meat would.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Friday, February 3, 2012

peaches vs strawberry

     Once there was a peach that started a war with the strawberry. The peaches were calling there crew to kill the strawberry. Also the peaches head that the bananas were taking over because the strawberry lost againts the peaches. Also the bananas were calling there crew for they can kill the peaches but the peaches still killed the bananas. Also the peaches head that the oranges were taking over to be continued.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Past Progrissive

An action that all ready happend that keeps on going but it sipped at the time of sping

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My favorite peace of art work

My favorite peace of art work was the Mass it was pretty cool because it was made of burned wood but the story behind it was sad because it was taking about church was burned to peaces and that some lady said that          
if she can get some peaces of the church and for she can make a cool 3d Mass picture so that was pretty amazing how she did it. Also how the strings were hanging down and how the wood would stay on the string. Also how was the small peaces where on the bottom and the big peaces where like in the center.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Call of duty black ops

Have you ever played call of duty? I have because it is cool. Also you can play zombies or multiplayer so that is i pretty cool I like playing online zombies because it is so cool killing zombies. Also sometime we can get some cool guns in multiplayer and my favorite gun for multiplayer is the AK47u I love that gun. Also I play once in a while online. Also sometimes I get board of it I go buy A new game.